Academic Integrity
Acting in a way that is honest, fair and respectful. Correctly citing resources is an example of academic integrity.
Boolean Operators
What connects keywords together for a more targeted search.
Business Information
Combination of scholarly and non-scholarly information gathered to form a larger picture of an industry or organisation.
Business Research
The process of gathering and analysing competitive intelligence from a variety of reputable sources.
Case Study
Study of group or person, often in narrative form used for analysing or discussing a particular scenario.
Generative AI
Artificial Intelligence technology that can produce text, images and data.
Harvard WesternSyd U
Citation style based on Harvard but designed for WSU University.
Referencing tool developed by WSU Library.
Non-Scholarly Information
Information written outside the academic community.
Open Access
Research that has been made publicly available, free of charge.
RIS file
A type if file system that allows citation programs to exchange data.
Scholarly Information
Information written for an academic audience through a rigorous research and peer-review process.