5 News and Media Sources for Business Research
Learning Objectives
Current events can influence business environments.
- Major Australian news sources
- Searching global newspapers
- Newspaper databases
Business environments change rapidly. It’s important to build up an awareness of current events and the business operating environment. This can be found developed using current sources from major newspapers.
Australian news sources
You can generally access a limited number of newspaper articles or headlines from the major Australian and local newspapers including the Australian Financial Review, the Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph and a range of local and regional mastheads.
The Western Sydney University Library subscribes to a number of newspapers, newspaper archives and news databases that you can access using your student or staff login details. You can view these news resources using the News and Newspapers subject guide or via the A-Z database list.
Searching global newspapers
Many international newspapers offer limited free access or subscriptions for international readers. This will vary by country and by source.
Search using the Library search box
- Type your keywords into the Library searchbox and click SEARCH
- In the menu on the left hand side of the page, limit your search to Newspapers.
- Refine the publication date.
- Select the article by clicking on the title.
- Access the article by clicking on the database name. (You can simply choose the first database offered. If this one doesn’t open, try the next one)
- If you are off-campus, you will be asked to enter your WSU login details here
- Print, download or read the article online.
Search for a particular newspaper
- Type the name of the newspaper into the Library search box and click SEARCH.
- Click on the newspaper record.
- Select the database to access the full online version of the newspaper. Note: there are different access conditions for each newspaper that are detailed in the database information.
News and Newspaper subject guide
- Navigate from the Library page to Collections> e-Resources > Subject Guides> by Type> Topic Guide> News and Newspapers: National guide.
- Select the Newspaper or database.
Australian News Sources
These news sources offer limited access to current or archived articles.
Newspaper databases
Western Sydney University Library subscribes to several newspaper databases and archives that contain full-text articles from a selection of newspapers.
Chapter Review
- Newspaper articles are one of the most current information sources
- Australian and international newspapers offer limited access for free to articles
- WSU Library can provide free access to some Australian newspaper mastheads
- Newspaper databases have full text searching capability from many newspapers
Media Attributions
- Newspapers banner image © Wikimedia commons is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license