
H5P activities list

This book includes 31 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Marketing of or marketing through sport?Flashcards
2List of community organisationsAccordion
3What are the types of sport consumersFlashcards
4What are the types of sport consumers?Dialog Cards
5Factors that can influence sport consumptionAccordion
6Knowledge CheckDrag the Words
7What could they do?Accordion
8Marketing StrategyAccordion
9What type of strategy is this?Question Set
10Shirra Smilansky: The BETTER model for experience marketingAccordion
11SWOT: a marketing toolAccordion
12Types of focus groupsAccordion
13Test your knowledge from the above video!Drag the Words
14Test you knowledge of the AUSPLAY report (2021-2022)Multiple Choice
15Recapping AUSPLAY data (November 2022)Question Set
16Recapping AUSPLAY data (November 2022)Question Set
17Taken from the reading: What omnichannel really means by Akter et al. (2021)Drag the Words
18Questions to answer after reading "Globalisation and sports branding: The case of Manchester United"Question Set
19Principals of Promotion (adapted from Kumar, S., & Patra, S. (2017).Accordion
20Managing the "service encounter"Drag the Words
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