Versioning History

This page lists major changes to this guide with each marked with a 0.01 increase in the version number. Because new information is continuously added to this guide, content updates do not appear on this page. Instead, a “Page added | Last update” textbox is posted near the bottom of each chapter. Additional files (e.g., PDF, ePUB) are provided upon request made to oer@western

Version Date Change
1.0 25 July 2022 Added a new section titled ‘Additional Catalogue Information’ to Section 7. Authoring in Pressbooks > Book Info page.
1.01 28 July 2022 Added a new chapter on Analytics. Amended ‘help’ links.
1.02 12 December 2022 H5P packages from a more recent version of H5P are not importing correctly into Pressbooks. According to Pressbooks, the solution to this problem must come via an update from H5P (as Pressbooks are using the latest version available on the WordPress platform). A request has been ticketed on the H5P GitHub page.
1.03 1 June 2022 H5P issue has been resolved. Authors can now import H5P objects or create them natively in Western Open Textbooks.
1.04 6 June 2023 Book retitled to ‘Western Open Textbooks Quick Start Guide’ including new URL and book cover.
1.05 17 August 2023 Change to name of Service, to ‘Western Open Books’.
1.06 31 August 2023 Information about access to a ‘self-training environment’ on Western Open Books’.
1.07 4 September 2023 Included open textbook Enhancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) in Open Educational Resources (OER)
1.08 31 October 2023 Updated the chapter ‘Adding content’.
1.09 29 January 2024 Added new sections: ‘Maintaining your book’ and ‘Versioning History’
1.10 4 March 2024 Added a list of best practice for promoting open textbooks to the Promotions section of the textbook. Updated the list of Forms on the Prerequisites and Forms pages
1.11 6 March 2024 Updated chapter URLs to reflect headings
1.12 4 June 2024 Updating chapters on submitting your manuscript to the Library, and added a new chapter on “Preparing your .docx (Word) file for library submission”. Retitled the chapter on “Adding content” to “Updating your Book Info”.
1.13 12 June 2024 Updated the document downloads section on Prerequisites. Replaced the two checklist documents with one document with both checklists


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Western Open Books Quick Start Guide Copyright © 2022 by Lucy Walton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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